
Vocabulary Blog Week 3

target audience- the audience the designer wants to get to understand his/her work.

message- a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.

work ethic- how hard a person works and their attitude.

employability skills- hard working person who wants to be trusted by their employer and co-workers.
20/20 Rule- you look away for every 20 minutes you are on a computer.

Right-To-Know Laws- the laws you have to know if someone is trying to copy your work.

Vocabulary Blog Week 4

icon- a computing a symbol or graphic representation on avideo display terminal of a program, option, orwindow, esp. one of several for selection.

vector-based graphics- graphics that have a base.

specs/specifications of a project- the specific guidelines of a project that you have to follow.

dialog box (within an application)- a box that has words of what people are saying.

palette (within an application)- a box that has an application of what tools you need for your graphic design projects.

Vocabulary Blog Week 5

guidelines- what we have to follow in order to have a good design.

extensions- having project due at an later time.

contextual menu- a menu with all of the tools that you need for a project.

clipping mask- a mask that you use to clip things on a project.

Vocabulary Blog Week 8

hue- a color or shade

primary colors- the three basic colors on a color wheel.

secondary colors- mixed primary colors. 

tertiary colors- the colors when you get primary and secondary colors.

neutral colors- colors that are not found on the color wheel.
Vocabulary Blog Week 9
continuous tone image- image is one where each color at any point in the image is reproduced as a single tone

resolution- how many pixels an image has

file size- how big the size of the file that you are trying to save

Vocabulary Blog Week 12

typography- using an image within a image.

typeface- symbols.

serif- semi-strucal details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols.

body type- the type of just one section of a design.

display type- the type of the whole entire work of design.

reverse type- light or bright letter against a dark background.

point size- the relative measure of the size of the font.

Vocabulary Blog Week 17

ligatures- usually replace consecutive character sharing common components and are part of a more general class of glyphs called "contextual forms", where the specific shape of a letter depends on context such as surrounding letter or proximity to the end of a line.

ampersand- a logogram representing the conjunction word "and".

small caps- short for small capitals, they are used in running text to prevent capitalized words from appearing too large on the page, and as a method of emphasis or distinctiveness for text alongside or instead of italics, or when boldface is inappropriate.

lowercase- small letters as opposed to capital letters (uppercase).

uppercase- capital letter as opposed to small letter (lowercase).

Vocabulary Notes 1.23.2012

Flush left- everything's (text) is alined to the left.

Flush right- everything's (text) is alined to the the right.

Centered- takes a person's line of text(s) and centers them. Gives a formal feel.

Justified- text is alined on the left and on the right. In a "box". NO text outside the box.

Small caps- all of our capital letters but they aline at your waist line.

Lining- is uniform, alined at the top and at the bottom.

Non-lining- not uniformed, hangs lower than lining. Copy's a typewriter. Has ascenders and descenders.

Leading- the space in between lines of type.

Margins- white space on the top, bottom, and sides of the page. Anything important should stay in the margin, non-important can go outside.

Kerning- allows you to adjust the space between individual characters.

Tracking- allows you to adjust spacing between paragraphs, articles,etc.

Vocabulary Notes 1.30.12

Concept- an idea; something formed in one's mind.

Final Product- the end results.

Thumbnail- quick sketch. 

Vocabulary 3.5.12
Initial Cap- larger decorative capital letter at the beginning of text/paragraph.