Define typography? Using type to form an image instead of using an image.
Where did the word "typography" originate from? Greek.
What does typography involve? Tpyo- form graphy-writing
What is a typeface? Fonts.
What is another term for typeface? Symbols.
What is a character? Individual symbols.
What is type style? Bold, regular and italic.
What does type style "create" within a design?
What is the waist line and what does it indicate? A dotted line in the middle of the character.
What is a base line and what does it indicate? The bottom of the letters.
What is an ascender? Above the character.
What is a descender? Below the character.
Describe a serif?
How can the size of the typeface be identified? The point size of type.
What is a point?
How many points are in an inch? 72
What is a pica and how many are in an inch?
How many points are in a pica? 12
What is body type and where can it be found? Types size that range from 4-12 point.
What is the key to selecting appropriate typefaces to be used as body type?
What is display type and how is it used? Large text.
What is reverse type and when would it be used? To call attention.
What is a typeface classification? A way to classify types into certain classes.
When was Blackletter invented and how was it used? Earliest (thick & thin) used to be on mass heads of newspaper. Now in formal papers, you'll see it in a contemporary fashion.
Describer the characteristics of a Blackletter typeface?
When was Old Style invented and what was is based on? 15th Century. It was based on renaissance typographers (chiseled and stone).
Describe the characteristics of an Old Style typeface?
When were formal scripts developed?
When were casual scripts developed?
Describe the characteristics of a Script typeface?
When was Modern typefaces developed and why?
Describe the characteristics of a Modern typeface?
How early can Sans Serif typefaces be found? What happened?
When did they become popular?
What does "sans serif" mean?
Describe the characteristics of a Sans Serif typeface?
When was Slab Serif developed and why?
Describe the characteristics of a Slab Serif typeface?
Describe Decorative typefaces?
Why were they developed?
What are they best used for?
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